Sarakole, Marka
snk (soni1259)
Mande (mand1469) > Soninkean (soni1258)
( West Africa )
L1 speakers: 2000000
L2 speakers: 0
Last modified: 2024-10-24 11:33 by vvydrin
2. Prosodic units
3. Tonal inventory
3.2 Inventory of tonemes
[ H ]


  • The Tonal Morpheme Criterion
  • The Shared TBU Criterion
  • The Activity Criterion
  • The Positional Constraints Criterion

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[ L ]


  • The Floating Criterion
  • The Tonal Morpheme Criterion
  • The Shared TBU Criterion
  • The Activity Criterion
  • The Positional Constraints Criterion

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4. Tonotactics
4.3. Toneless syllables
5. Stress and tone
6. Tonal Rules
Merger of H tonal spans
fusion of tonemes
/H/ /H/ > /H/ / (word _)

Within one word form, two H tone spans merger. dúllu ‘be hungry’ + ndí causative suffix → dúllundi ‘make hungry’.

Avoidance of plurysyllabic H tonal span at the end of word
tonal spread
[L .] [H ..] > [L ..] [H .] / (word _#)

At the end of word, a H tonal span, if preceded by L tone, cannot be disyllabic or plurysyllabic. To avoid a disallowed combination, a tonal redistribution can be recurred to, LHH → LLH. sìláamàaxú ‘convert to Islam’ (intransitive) + ndí causative suffix → sìláamàaxundí ‘convert smb. to Islam’.

H tone bridge
/H/ /L/ /H/ > /H/ /H/ / { (word _#) (word _ _#) }

In a tonal phrase, if the first component ends in /H/, and the second component begins with the sequence /L/ /H/, the /L/ is deleted, and the following /H/ spreads leftwise.

7. Grammatical Tones
8. Tonal classes of words
10. Tonal notation in the writing