Jamsay Dogon
djm (jams1239)
Dogon (dogo1299) > Plains Dogon (plai1257)
L1 speakers:
L2 speakers:
Last modified: 2024-09-18 19:47 by dgerasimov
2. Prosodic units
3. Tonal inventory
3.2 Inventory of tonemes
[ L ]


  • The Floating Criterion
  • The Tonal Morpheme Criterion
  • The Activity Criterion

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[ H ]


  • The Tonal Morpheme Criterion
  • The Activity Criterion

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4. Tonotactics
4.3. Toneless syllables
5. Stress and tone
6. Tonal Rules
Contour-Tone Stretching
tonal spread
[H v][L v] c > [H vv][L c] / (morpheme _ _)(morpheme _)#

When an atonal consonantal suffix or clitic is added to a stem/word with a final CV: syllable bearing a combination of tonemes HL, the L toneme moves to the final mora of the resulting closed syllable, allowing a preceding H toneme to spread through the vocalic nucleus.

Rightward H-Spreading
toneme deletion
[H ,] [L ,] [L .] > [H ,,] [L .] / (adj _ _)(lex: kɔ̀, wɔ̀ _)

When a quasi-verb =kɔ̀ ‘be (nonhuman)’ or =wɔ̀ ‘be (human)’ is cliticized to an adjective bearing a lexical HL toneme combination, the H toneme speads to the final mora of the adjective, displacing the L-toneme, which merges with that of the quasi-verb.

Clitic-Induced Tone Resyllabification
toneme deletion
/L/ /H/ /L/ > [L] / (c _) (lex: î: _ _)

When the Focus/‘it is’ clitic (postconsonantal allomorph -îː) attaches to a stem or word ending in a consonant to which the L toneme is docked, this toneme is spread to the clitic, erasing the intrinsic tonemes of the latter.

Atonal-Morpheme Tone-Spreading
tonal spread
[T ] ,+ > [T ,+] / (stem/word) (suff/part _)

Atonal suffixes and clause-final function words are integrated into the tonal span of the toneme associated with the preceding mora. Atonal monoconsonantal suffixes behave somewhat differently when following a (C)V̂:-final stem; this is covered by Contour-Tone Stretching

Exosyllabic Stranded-Tone Re-Linking
toneme deletion
/H/ /L/ /L/ > /H/ /L/ / (word _ c_#) (word _)

When a segmental rule deletes a word-final vowel bearing a L toneme, this L toneme is deleted if followed by another L toneme, and the preceding H toneme spreads to the now final consonant.

7. Grammatical Tones
8. Tonal classes of words
10. Tonal notation in the writing
Analytical report (fulltext)